

Share with your students the three momentous days of this sad time in history – The Battle of Gettysburg.

The newly renovated Cyclorama, film and museum experience at the visitor’s center will transport your class to this historic event. Afterwards, a step-on guide will explain the turn of events on your tour of the battlefield. After lunch on your own, visit the American Civil War Museum where life-sized dioramas bring the past back to life. During your visit, an animated President Lincoln delivers his famous Gettysburg Address.

NOTE: 1 seat must be left vacant on motorcoach for tour guide.

Please click the Download Brochure button below to view current pricing on all educational tours

Turkey Hill Experience

Turkey Hill Experience

This experience is hard to resist. Who doesn’t like Ice cream?

Visit the Turkey Hill Experience in Lancaster County, PA. Learn how ice cream is made and stored, milk a mechanical cow, create your own ice cream flavor, design your own container and play games like shoot the bad bacteria. The “Taste Lab” is where you will get to create your own special ice cream flavor. The best part – you get to eat your new creation, all the while learning how ice cream is really made at Turkey Hill. There are over 26,000 sq. ft. of interactive games and exhibits to explore. You can even take your picture in a giant container of ice cream or in a Turkey Hill delivery truck. Enjoy free teas and selected ice cream samples before you head home. Consider adding a meal to complete your trip.

Please click the Download Brochure button below to view current pricing on all educational tours

Sight & Sound – (Tues, Wed, Thurs)

Sight & Sound – (Tues, Wed, Thurs)

Sight & Sound® takes theater to a whole new level.

Every show is an epic experience with a meaningful message. It is where edge-of-your-seat action meets heartfelt drama. Experience the action-packed musical stage adventure with Jesus Live on Stage. Held over by popular demand, this show takes you on a miraculous journey alongside the most famous person ever to walk the earth and the everyday people whose lives he changed. Also, for the holidays experience all that Christmas has to offer, and get into the holiday spirit with the Miracle of Christmas. Show times are 11:00 AM & 3:00 PM. Enjoy an included smorgasbord meal before returning home.

Not available on Mondays.

Please click the Download Brochure button below to view current pricing on all educational tours

school field trip buses

Test Educational Tour

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Harlem Tour

Harlem Tour

Enjoy a neighborhood tour of Harlem, a neighborhood known for it’s rich culture, architecture and history.

Learn about the African-American roots of Gospel Music and how it influenced music ranging from Jazz to Rock and Roll. In this guided sightseeing tour of Harlem you will discover the many hidden treasures of this world-renowned community. Once the Mecca for all of black America, the tour includes views of the famous Apollo Theater, (inside access, when available) a stop at the Harlem Market filled with African vendors; Strivers’ Row; the Abyssinian Baptist Church; Harlem Heights with some of the most charming streets in Manhattan; and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Free time and lunch on your own. Ask your representative for lunch options.

For this season’s dates & shows, please click the Download Brochure button below

metropolitan museum of art

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Enjoy the largest museum the Western hemisphere has to offer! With over 2 million pieces of art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art can keep you occupied for hours on end. This package offers admission and a self-guided tour through the museum. Free time for lunch on your own is also included.

For this season’s dates & shows, please click the Download Brochure button below


Museum of Modern Art

Museum of Modern Art

The Museum of Modern art is one the largest and most influential museums in the entire world for contemporary art. This package offers admission and a 1 hour guided tour of the museum. Free time for lunch on your own is also included.

For this season’s dates & shows, please click the Download Brochure button below